Following the publication of my recent Huffington Post article, “It’s Time for the Global Village to Stand Up for Our Children,” I feel much less alone with my anomie. For the past 15 years, I have grown increasingly alarmed by, and vocal about, the ways in which our culture sexualizes young girls. I have parallel…
When Abercrombie & Fitch recently launched their pushup padded bikini top for girls aged 8 to 12, something inside me finally broke. My anger was volcanic, flowing through friends and family, spewing onto Facebook and across Twitter. For an entire day I searched plaintively for others who could understand my disillusionment. I found a few soul mates,…
In the wake of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, parents, teachers, journalists and bloggers all over the world are discussing best practices for talking to children about disasters. Among my friends and colleagues, there is palpable angst about the effects of social media exposure on their children, who see and hear daily accounts of the…
I recently came upon a very short Boston Globe article — a paragraph, really — by a bullying expert in New Hampshire who stated, quite simply, that today’s school children are “the meanest ever” and that they have “more ways than ever to express that meanness.” Read more…